Deane's Swim School in Johannesburg is dedicated to teaching individuals to swim confidently and safely!
Enjoy swimming lessons here
swimming lessons at Deane's swim school
Enjoy swimming lessons here
Deane's Swim School
The new term for 2024 starts on 17 January 2024! See you soon!
About Deane's Swim School
Deane's Swim School is based in Abbotsford, Johannesburg North. We are positioned within a 1 - 4km radius of Oaklands, Atholl, Melrose, Norwood, Houghton, Highlands North and Waverley.
Established over 30 years ago Deane’s Swim School in Johannesburg has provided swimming lessons and water skills to literally thousands of people from 3 years of age to adults. The central ethos of the swim school is that Swimming is a lifetime skill and as such, the learning experience in and with water, should be done in a fun, relaxed environment no matter what level or age one is, in order to build a lifetime of love for and affinity with water.
Deane’s swim School offers a variety of swimming classes, ranging from water familiarization and safety, through learn-to-swim to advanced stroke technique and an introduction to squad training. By ensuring that the fundamental core aquatic skills are well mastered, the learning of strokes will happen more easily, far quicker and with much more confidence.Programs are conducted for both children and adults, Monday to Saturday. Lessons are taught in small, manageable groups.
Take the plunge, join up now and start
having fun learning to swim!